- Leetcode 690: Employee importance
- Level: easy
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Employee Importance - LeetCode
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My approach
- Iterate through nested list and store employee id and importance in a dictionary
- Perform dfs with starting id
- sum up the importance of an employee
- check if subordinate of the employee exists
- If exists, perform recursion on the subordinate employees
- Return the total sum of employee
class Solution:
def getImportance(self, employees: List['Employee'], id: int) -> int:
diction = {}
# store employee id and importance
for info in employees:
diction[info.id] = info.importance
res = 0
for employee in employees:
if employee.id == id:
res += employee.importance
if employee.subordinates:
for subs in employee.subordinates:
res += self.getImportance(employees, subs)
return (res)
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