- Leetcode: 1161 - Maximum level of sum of a binary tree
- Level: Medium
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Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree - LeetCode
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My approach
- Iterate through the tree with a bfs approach
- For each level, sum up the value of each leaf update to a dictionary
- Sort the dictionary by the value of each level, and return the smallest level with the biggest sum.
from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def maxLevelSum(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
q = [(root, 1)]
cnt = 0
vals = defaultdict(int)
vals[1] = root.val
while q:
rt, level = q.pop(0)
if rt.left:
q.append((rt.left, level + 1))
vals[level + 1] += rt.left.val
if rt.right:
q.append((rt.right, level + 1))
vals[level + 1] += rt.right.val
sort_orders = sorted(vals.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return sort_orders[0][0]
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